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Re: Drug Use

Please let us be factual for a change on this subject.
 We owe it to ourselves and especially our kids.

Alcohol IS a drug...the most dangerous and destructive
drug used by young people (and arguably by older
people).  If you drink alcohol - you use drugs,

Do teachers use drugs (drink alcohol)?  Yes.  Do
police use drugs (drink alcohol)?  Yes.  Do members of
state and national legislatures who pass draconian
anti-"drug" laws that destroy civil liberties and fill
private profit-driven prisons with non-violent
offenders use drugs (drink alcohol)?  Yes, no doubt at
scores of taxpayer-funded cocktail (drug) parties.

This is your brain.  This is your brain on
hypocritical policy driven by emotion and hysteria
rather than logic and science.

Greg Meyer

--- John and Laurie Danahy <>
wrote: (SNIP)
>  The "facts" are there, but this community has
> always supported a
> 'don't ask/don't tell" attitude toward children and
> alcohol or drug use.
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