Re: Highway 95: Moscow to Lewiston
- To:
- Subject: Re: Highway 95: Moscow to Lewiston
- From: "Philip Cook" <>
- Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 08:45:12 -0800
- In-reply-to: <>
- Organization: University of Idaho
- Priority: normal
- Reply-to:
- Resent-Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 08:56:37 -0700 (PDT)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"TUwuI.A.2wG.O2k63">
- Resent-Sender:
Glad to have you back.
The Moscow-Genesee portion of the U.S. 95 widening and
realignment was specifically included by former Senator
Kempthorne as a "high-priority" ("demonstration") project in the
1998 major federal highway bill, TEA-21. (See Section 1601 (a),
item 1566.) Apparently, ITD does not have a choice in the matter
since its federal legislation and dollars. I agree with you there are
higher priorities; I guess that's the nature of pork barrel. (In this
case $16.85 million.)
As for the Genesee-Lewiston Hill portion, it's not mandated by TEA-
21, so I assume ITD had some discretion in proposing it. It's
funding source is listed as "National Highway" so I assume it's
funding is all federal, appropriated to the state.
The Moscow-Genessee portion (project # 7505) is on the State
Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) calendar for FY 2001.
The Genessee-Lewiston Hill portion (project # 7769; $9 million) is
on the STIP calendar for FY 2003. (The entire STIP calendar for
FY 1999-2003 is available at
I don't know what Idaho law says about protecting the visual,
aesthetic, and environmental quality of the corridor, but experience
tells me probably not much.
Philip Cook
Date forwarded: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 16:45:19 -0700 (PDT)
Date sent: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 16:43:57 -0700
From: Kenton Bird <>
Subject: Highway 95: Moscow to Lewiston
Forwarded by:
> Dear visionaries,
> I am pleased to rejoin this list after three years in Colorado. I'm
> slowly getting up to speed on issues, so please forgive me if this topic
> has been previously discussed.
> I have seen several newspaper ads that the Idaho Department of
> Transportation is looking for suppliers of crushed rock in the
> "corridor" from the top of the Lewiston Hill to Moscow, for the purpose
> of constructing a four-lane highway.
> Can anyone tell me:
> 1. Whether this widening of the highway is on the DOT's construction
> calendar, and if so, for what year?
> 2. How this project is/was justified (traffic counts, accident rates,
> etc.)?
> 3. How it will be funded (state/federal mix)?
> 4. Whether this is the best possible use of our state's limited
> transportation dollars? (For example, would a bypass around Moscow
> provide greater safety and efficiency benefits to long-haul truckers and
> others traveling from Coeur d'Alene to Lewiston than four lanes in the
> rural 20-mile stretch south of Moscow?)
> 5. Whether the Moscow City Council or Latah County Commissioners has
> endorsed this project?
> 6. What safeguards Idaho has to ensure that the Moscow-Lewiston corridor
> isn't forever scarred by gravel pits the way the Moscow-Pullman corridor
> has?
> I drove to Lewiston on Tuesday and didn't see enough traffic to justify
> four lanes, especially since nearly every hill has a passing lane. But
> perhaps I'm missing something.
> --Kenton Bird
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