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Re: City Council Filings


Dear visionaries:

As of 4:30 p.m. today, six candidates had filed nominating positions for three positions on the
City Council.  They are, in alphabetical order:
Aaron Ament
Steve Busch
Jack Hill
Evan Holmes
Mike Thomason
Travis Tonn

A story in today's Daily News (page 3A, I believe) gives brief biographical sketches of the
first five candidates.  Mr. Tonn must have turned in his petition after the Daily News reporter
checked this morning.

The deadline for filing is 5 p.m. on Thursday (Sept. 23).  I know of at least one other
candidate who is circulating a petition.

So, unlike the council election of two years ago, there indeed will be a contested race.  I look
forward to a spirited discussion of the issues facing Moscow on this list and in other forums.



>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: City Council Filings
> Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 13:22:07 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Tim Lohrmann <>
> To:
>  To whom it concerns:
>  What's the latest on City Council Election filings?
>  Is there actually going to be a contested election
>  this time around?
>  If it doesn't appear so at this time, what is the
>  deadline for the petitions to be turned in?
>  I believe we need an actual issue discussion instead
>  of another "1-party city" type rubber-stamp vote.
>  Thanks for any help!
>  Tim Lohrmann

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