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(Fwd) Mail Delivery Failure.

> >when I see ignorance, I call it ignorance, rational, well thought out
> >agreuments of a differnt oppinion I respect, and have even been known
> >to change my mind  when presented with valid arguments. but eletisim is
> >something I don't tolerate.
> Stan,
> I honestly don't think you've had much experience with rational
> thinking, because I don't see any in what you say.  Again, you bend over
> backwards to distort my words repeatedly in your response, and apply
> rather illogical arguments (e.g., if I understand your rant properly,
> the majority of Americans don't understand the second amendment,
> therefore I must not).

this from the person who labelled all people politically right of 
center as neo-nazis and couldn't understand why some of us were 
offended by that?  who defined American English usage by the 
internet? and *I'M* unreasonable? you don't seem to understand 
logic and probability either.

> Since I don't see any point trying to carry on a reasonable conversation
> with an irrational person, I will close with this thought:

I can prove my points, whats unreasonable about that? I have yet 
to see a proven point or fact from you, what I DO see from you is 
that you think your opinions are facts, and that no one else can 
have a differing opinion because you are OH so correct about 
everything. when you are backed into a corner, you do just what 
your doing now "I'm too intellectually superior to you to talk to you

> It's attitudes like yours, full of name-calling, condemnation,
> hyperbole, and the lack of logic, that I find prevalent in many members
> of the NRA. and it is exactly that attitude which will forever dissuade
> this and many other gun owners from joining the NRA.  I simply wouldn't
> stoop to that  level.

PLEASE tell me what names I called you? (and "Ignorant" is 
not calling someone a name, it is describing there state of mind 
and lack of knowledge, I am ignorant of many things, and will admit 
it, you seem unable to do so), Condemnation? I condemn people 
who's opinions are founded on ignorance and that can't be bothered 
to check out the truth nor listen to any other opinions that disagree 
with theres,  and as for Hyperbole, that is ALL we have seen from 
you, not to mention "lack of logic")

and how do YOU know that I am a member of the NRA?, is that 
another of your "facts"? that you KNOW what groups I do and don't 
belong to?  I don't belong to the NRA, and I have no intention of 
joining the NRA, however,  I do applaud a lot of what they do.  (and 
that little "rant" of yours shows that again,  you are ignorant of what 
the NRA really does)

thank you for proving my points.


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