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RE: ban the bomb


Excellent points, I suggest a constitutional convention to deal w/ these
issues. While we are at it let's get rid of astro turf.

Go Vandals!


-----Original Message-----
From: JS M []
Sent: Monday, September 20, 1999 9:18 AM
Subject: Re: ban the bomb

yeah, but how do you feel about the designated hitter rule?  and what about
instant replay?  ya know, if the founders of this country had intended for
referees to rule based on televion coverage, they would have added a "it's
only true if it's on tv" clause to the 4th amendment.  or is that the 5th?

>From: "Stephen Cooke" <>
>Reply-To: <>
>To: "Vision2020 Listserver" <>
>Subject: ban the bomb
>Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 08:50:47 -0700
>Dear Visionaries,
>  For the record, I am in favor of banning all hand- and automatic-swimming
>pools. However, I would make sport and hunting swimming pools readily
>available if appropriate storage and safety locks are used. And yet, under
>no circumstances do I think cannonballs should be allowed.
>I am against all automatic cars. I personally own a standard.
>I am against automatic refills of alcoholic beverages. (Are the people at
>"happy hour," really happy?)
>I am nothing if not consistent.
>Stephen Cooke

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