Re: 8 acres
I appreciate the open space of that field in the midst of residential
Moscow. In fact, that was a major reason we bought the house next door some
20 years ago and lived there for 10 years. Nonetheless, from a policy
standpoint, shouldn't development--if there is to be development at
all--take place in these little "pockets" which already are surrounded by
The steepness of that slope is no greater than the house where I lived; no
greater than many of the houses in the new developments off Mountainview
Lois Melina
> From: bill london <>
> To:
> Subject: 8 acres
> Date: Sunday, September 19, 1999 6:07 PM
> Did you ever go sledding at the hayfield on Orchard Avenue just north of
> Public Avenue?
> Well, you may not have that option much longer.
> I understand that the owner of the 8 acres there is planning to raise a
> different crop: houses.
> I have also been told that the development plan will be appearing before
> Moscow Planning and Zoning Commission on Wednesday.
> If anyone knows more specifics on this, or is able to attend the meeting
> report on what happens, I would love to learn more about this. The
> there is very steep, and erosion and access would be real problems.
> BL
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