Y2K & Windows
- To: "Moscow Vision 2020" <>
- Subject: Y2K & Windows
- From: "Jerry" <>
- Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 16:55:12 -0700
- Importance: Normal
- Resent-Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 16:59:52 -0700 (PDT)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"25JdWB.A.MQE.bXt43">
- Resent-Sender:
Ok folks, this is no joke nor is it an Urban legend, at least I'm
no prone to being called a legend....
I recently ran a Y2K checker on my home computer. Everything passed, except
the Windows Control Panel. I thought this a bit odd, but went to the
Microsoft Update site and found no patches for the problem.
So I called Tech Support, after waiting an hour on hold, listening to MS
Advertising. I finally talked to a CS rep., who answered my question in less
than 30 seconds.
Here is the problem and the solution:
Check you computer, it will only take about a minute.
Open "My Computer"
Open "Control Panel"
Open "Regional Settings"
Click the "Date" tab at the top of the page.
Look where is says, "Short Date Sample" look to see if it shows a 2 digit
year. Of course it does. That's the default setting for Windows 95, 98 and
Now, I was told by tech support that this date right here is the date that
feeds application software and WILL NOT rollover in the year 2000. It will
rollover to 00. This was what gave me the "non-compliant" message.
Click on the button across from "Short Date Style" and select the Option
that shows, mm/dd/yyyy. (Be sure your selection has 4 Y's showing, not just
Click "Apply" and then click "OK" at the bottom.
Easy enough to fix. However, every single installation of Windows is
defaulted to the YY settings... Go figure.
Anyway, now my computer passed the Y2K check. Hopefully yours will to. If
this proves to be just another hoax caused by McAffee Software, then I
apologize for this message, but at least now your Control Panel is Y2K
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