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BOCC proceedings for the week of August 30,1999

Week of August 30, 1999

Commissioners Samuel G. Duncan, Loreca J. Stauber, and Paul J. Kimmell met
in regular session. The following actions were taken:

Approved, signed and filed Commissioners’ proceedings for the week of August
23, 1999.

Motion and Order to adopt temporary parking restrictions for the Courthouse
Parking Lot from Monday, August 30 through Friday, September 3, 1999 while
the parking lot is being resurfaced.

Motion and Order to approve the amendments to the County Personnel Handbook,
concerning the maximum vacation time and the effective date of
insurance coverage 7.4.8.

Approved, signed and filed request to declare surplus property, Sheriff’s
Office, Computer monitor, not operative/repairable, wooden typewriter desk.

Approved, signed and filed addition to Commissioners’ Proceedings of August
9, 1999: Pursuant to Idaho Code 31-870 and Idaho Code 63-1002: Motion and
Order to authorize the Solid Waste Department to collect the cost of
Certified Mail from the user, when and if it becomes necessary to send a
second tax notice to the user that the annual solid waste fee has not been
paid and that said fee if not paid will be turned over to the Treasurer to
be collected as a tax.  We further authorize the Solid Waste Director to
amend the Solid Waste Ordinance Number 189, effective March 18, 1998 to
include this language.  All documents are available for inspection in the
office of the Clerk/Auditor/Recorder.

Approved, signed and filed request for a second residence on the property of
Randy and Michelle Doty, pending the verification of compliance with current
zoning laws.

Signed and filed resignation of Suzanne Miles as Part-time Irregular
Secretary. Table of Organization, Planning and Building, Department 11 Line
09.  Effective August 20, 1999.

Approved, signed and filed request for tuition aid to North Idaho College by
Kelli Renee Wernecke.

Approved, signed and filed Indemnity Bond to First Security Bank Cash
Management, in the amount of $459.69.

Motion and Order to approve recommendations of Compensation Committee and
amend the Table of Organization to include a Part-time (AO3)
Receptionist/Clerical Assistant for the Prosecutor’s Office and a new
full-time position Rural Development Coordinator for the Planning and
Building Department (AO12).

Approved, signed and filed request to increase hours of Donna Whitney,
Part-time Irregular Temporary Help, to work 28 hours per week for September
15 through September 29, 1999.  Table of Organization, County Commissioners,
Department 05A, Line 03.

Motion and Order to direct Parks and Recreation Director, Andrew Grant to
remodel the toilets to meet Americans With Disabilities Act standards, at
the north end and south end by the amphitheater at Robinson Lake Park, work
to be done  by Renovate General Construction.

Motion and Order to rescind the previous motion regarding Parks and
Recreation and ADA toilets.

Motion and Order to direct Parks and Recreation Director, Andrew Grant to
immediately contract with Renovate General Construction to remodel the north
and south end toilets at Robinson Lake Park, to bring them to Americans With
Disabilities Act standards.  Renovate to secure all proper permits and place
required signage.  Total cost not to exceed $16,700.

Motion and Order to rescind the Motion and Order of 8/18/99 appointing Dana
Magnuson as Latah County’s representative to ICRMP beginning October 1, 1999
to September 30, 2000.

Motion and Order to approve the Chair’s signature on the Agent/Broker of
Record change, designating Dana Magnuson as Latah County’s ICRMP
representative, effective August 30, 1999.

Motion and Order to approve the chair’s signature on the Law Enforcement
Mutual Aid and Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement between Latah County,
Latah County Sheriff’s Office and the City of Pullman, Washington.
Effective from August 31, 1999 for five years.

Motion and Order to approve the Chair’s signature on the Idaho Certificate
of Title for the 1998 Jeep Cherokee (VIN# 1JCMR7825JT160296) which will be
traded in from the Prosecuting Attorney’s office toward purchase of the
vehicle for the Planning and Building Department.

Convened in Executive Session at 9:08 a.m. on September 1, 1999, to discuss
indigent cases, pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345 (1) (d). Adjourned at
9:46 a.m. One (1) case was approved, one (1) case was denied, and two (2)
cases had no action taken.

Approved, signed and filed August through December, 1999, Solid Waste Fee
cancellation on Parcel Number MH06CT00021A; due to home unoccupied and for

Approved, signed and filed September through December, 1999, Solid Waste Fee
cancellation on Parcel Number MH02CT00049A; due to home unoccupied and for

Approved, signed and filed June through December, 1999, Solid Waste Fee
cancellation on Parcel Number MH40N04W297359A; due to home is for sale and
must be moved.

Motion and Order to follow-up and complete necessary projects as noted by
Latah Health Services, specifically Chimney repairs, sewer repair, air
quality issues and tree removal; Susan Petersen, co-risk manager will
forward the notification from Latah Health Services to ICRMP.

Motion and Order to direct Buildings and Grounds Director, Jim Kremer to
include Dave Douglas and Mike Rollins in the asbestos handling training, as
a result of the Latah Health Services Asbestos Survey.

Approved, signed and filed request from Ronald Hansen for opportunity with
Latah County to gain experience in Public Administration.

Approved, signed and filed request to terminate Part-time Irregular summer
help, Jessica Anderson.  Table of Organization, Commissioners’ Office
Department 05A, Line 08.  Effective August 31, 1999.

Approved, signed and filed request to hire Donna Whitney,  Part-time
Irregular as afternoon help, ten hours per week.  Table of Organization,
Commissioners’ Office, Department 05A, Line 08.

Motion and Order to direct the Assessor to advertise for, and hire a
part-time contract county surveyor for fiscal year 2000.

Denied request by Greg Papineau to rescind Motion and Order appointing Dana
Magnuson as ICRMP Representative and continue using Papineau Insurance as
ICRMP Representative.

All documents are available for inspection in the office of the

Susan Petersen

By:  Rachel Rausch
Deputy Clerk of the Board of Latah County Commissioners

APPROVED:						, Chair

ATTEST:							, Deputy/Clerk

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