Tuesday, 9-7-99 Meeting Agendas
- To: "\"Larry Hodge (E-mail)\" <Larry Hodge" <>, "\"Lori Courtright (E-mail)\" <Lori Courtright" <>, "\"Roger Blanchard (E-mail)\" <Roger Blanchard" <>, "\"Vision 2020 (E-mail)\" <Vision 2020" <>, "\"Gary Riedner (E-mail)\" <Gary Riedner" <>, "Linda Pall (E-mail)" <>
- To: "\"Marshall Comstock (E-mail)\" <Marshall Comstock" <>, "\"Pam Palmer (E-mail)\" <Pam Palmer" <>, "\"Peg Hamlett (E-mail)\" <Peg Hamlett" <>, "Steve Busch (E-mail)" <>, "Tom LeClaire (E-mail)" <>, "Tony Johnson (E-mail)" <>
- Subject: Tuesday, 9-7-99 Meeting Agendas
- From: Chris Bainbridge <>
- Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1999 15:35:42 -0700
- Cc: "Shahab Mezbah (E-mail)" <>, "''" <>
- Resent-Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1999 15:32:41 -0700 (PDT)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"IiQgpC.A.PEF.nxE03">
- Resent-Sender:
Tuesday, September 7, 1999 4:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers, 206 East Third, Second Floor
1. Approval of Minutes of August 16, 1999
2. Transfer of Alcohol License to New Owners of Mark IV - Chris Bainbridge
Mission Recreation Properties, LLC. new owners of the Mark IV, have
submitted an application and fees for restaurant certification and alcohol
Council Consent Agenda Item #1D
ACTION: Recommend denying request; or recommend approving issuance of
restaurant certification and alcohol license to Mission Recreation
Properties, new owners of Mark IV, pending approval of inspectors, police
department investigation, and obtaining required State and Latah County
3. Mountain View Road Overlay - Dean Weyen
As explained in Dean Weyen's memo of September 2, 1999 (attached), bids for
this project were opened September 1, 1999. Two bids were received:
Adairco, Inc submitted the low bid of $33,928.38; and Poe Asphalt's bid was
$33,999 (a difference of $70.62). Staff recommends accepting Adairco's
Council Consent Agenda Item #1F
ACTION: Recommend acceptance of low bid from Adairco and direct staff to
prepare necessary documents and authorize Mayor's signature thereon; or
take such other action as deemed appropriate.
4. Variance for Additional Curb Cut from Stewart Stanton, 1127 King Road -
Dean Weyen
Stewart Stanton has requested a variance from the City Codes for an
additional curb cut at 1125 King Road in Moscow.
Council Consent Agenda Item #1N
ACTION: Recommend approval of the variance for the additional curb cut; or
take such other action as deemed appropriate.
5. Wayne Robinson Lot Division and Development Agreement - Dale Pernula
Wayne Robinson wishes to construct an additional building on a portion of
property he owns on the east side of Almon Street, which would require that
he divide the lot and install public improvements adjacent to the lot he is
Council Consent Agenda Item #1H
ACTION: Recommend approval of lot division and development agreement and
authorize Mayor's signature on the agreement; or take such other action as
deemed appropriate.
6. Swimming Pool Change Order - Randy Rice
This change order addresses several minor modifications that have been made
during construction as enumerated on the attached memo from Randy Rice.
Council Consent Agenda Item #1M
ACTION: Recommend approval of Change Order and authorizing Mayor's
signature on same.
7. E-911 Upgrade - Dan Weaver
The Police Department has received a proposal from Motorola to upgrade
their Centralink E-911 equipment. The upgrade is necessary to ensure
functioning in the year 2000. Motorola is the sole source for the current
Council Consent Agenda Item #1K
ACTION: Recommend approval of proposal and authorizing Mayor's signature
on same; or take such other action as deemed appropriate.
8. Request by John Larkin for the Council to Waive Public Improvements at
620 S Jefferson Street - Dale Pernula
John Larkin's property is located on the portion of Jefferson between
Morton and McKinley, which does not have curb, sidewalk, or paving
improvements but which is fully developed with house. Waivers have been
made for improvements to north Washington Street which had a similar
Council Consent Agenda Item #1L
ACTION: Recommend waiving required curb, paving and sidewalk improvements;
or take such other action as deemed appropriate.
REPORTS: Community Forestry Grant Application - Randy Rice
206 East Third Street, Second Floor
September 7, 1999 7:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers - 206 East Third Street
1. Consent Agenda: Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the
request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered
separately later. Approval by roll call vote.
A. Approval of Minutes of August 16, 1999
B. Approval of Minutes of August 30, 1999
C. Hood Lot Line Adjustment - Dale Pernula
Danny Hood divided a parcel of land he owns in southeast Moscow in March
1996. He now wants to combine the vacant lot created to the rear with
other property he owns adjoining the vacant lot in order that he may build
an accessory building. Reviewed by Administrative Committee August 23,
ACTION: Approve lot line adjustment.
D. Transfer of Alcohol License to New Owner of Mark IV - Chris
Mission Recreation Properties, LLC. new owners of the Mark IV, have
submitted an application and fees for restaurant certification, and alcohol
license. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance September 7, 1999.
ACTION: Approve issuance of restaurant certification and alcohol license
to Mission Recreation Properties, new owners of Mark IV, pending approval
of inspectors, police department investigation, and obtaining required
State and Latah County licenses.
E. Street Patch and Overlay Project - Change Order - Dean Weyen
There are two extra work items added to the Street Patch and Overlay
project for this year; paving a 35x10 foot bicycle/pedestrian path; and
grinding down the pavement surfaces within the radiuses of side streets
intersecting Third Street. Reviewed by Administrative Committee August 30,
ACTION: Approve change order and authorize Mayor's signature thereon.
F. Mountain View Road Overlay - Dean Weyen
As explained in Dean Weyen's memo of September 2, 1999 (attached), bids for
this project were opened September 1, 1999. Two bids were received:
Adairco, Inc submitted the low bid of $33,928.38; and Poe Asphalt's bid was
$33,999 (a difference of $70.62). Staff recommends accepting Adairco's
bid. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance September 7, 1999.
ACTION: Accept low bid from Adairco and direct staff to prepare necessary
documents and authorize Mayor's signature thereon.
G. Encroachment Permit for Daniel Miller - Dean Weyen
Daniel Miller has requested permission to construct a four-foot high
"Keystone" type wall in the City right-of-way at 1014 West "A" Street.
Reviewed by staff and recommended for approval.
ACTION: Approve encroachment and authorize Mayor's signature on Agreement.
H. Wayne Robinson Lot Division and Development Agreement - Dale Pernula
Wayne Robinson wishes to construct an additional building on a portion of
property he owns on the east side of Almon Street, which would require that
he divide the lot and install public improvements adjacent to the lot he is
developing. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance September 7, 1999.
ACTION: Approve proposed lot division and development agreement and
authorize Mayor's signature on the agreement.
I. Setting of Public Hearing for Proposed changes of Parkland Dedication
Ordinance - Dale Pernula
Amendments to the Parkland Dedication requirements of the Subdivision
Ordinance are necessary to bring these provisions into compliance with
recent case law. The Planning and Zoning Commission conducted a hearing on
this matter on August 25, 1999, and recommends approval. Reviewed by
Administrative Committee August 30, 1999.
ACTION: Set public hearing for October 4, 1999.
J. Designation of Polling Place for November 2, 1999 General Election -
Chris Bainbridge
Per Idaho Code 50-408, City Council shall designate a suitable polling
place for each election precinct.
ACTION: Pass attached Resolution Proclaiming a General City Election and
setting the site for same.
K. E-911 Upgrade - Dan Weaver
The Police Department has received a proposal from Motorola to upgrade
their Centralink E-911 equipment. The upgrade is necessary to ensure
functioning in the year 2000. Motorola is the sole source for the current
upgrades. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance September 7, 1999.
ACTION: Approve proposal and authorize Mayor's signature on same.
L. Request by John Larkin for the Council to waive public improvements at
620 S Jefferson Street - Dale Pernula
John Larkin's property is located on the portion of Jefferson between
Morton and McKinley which does not have curb, sidewalk, or paving
improvements but which is fully developed with house. Waivers have been
made for improvements to north Washington Street which had a similar
situation. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee September 7, 1999.
ACTION: Waive required curb, paving and sidewalk improvements.
M. Change Order - Swimming Pool - Randy Rice
This change order addresses several minor modifications that have been made
during construction as enumerated on the attached memo from Randy Rice.
Reviewed by Public Works/Finance September 7, 1999.
ACTION: Approve Change Order and authorize Mayor's signature on same.
N. Variance for Additional Curb Cut from Stewart Stanton, 1127 King Road -
Dean Weyen
Stewart Stanton has requested a variance from the City Codes for an
additional curb cut at 1125 King Road in Moscow.
ACTION: Approve variance for the additional curb cut.
2. 7:30 p.m. Public Hearing - Judicial Confirmation Petition for the
Wastewater Treatment Plant - Gary Presol
Revenue bonds in the amount of $21 million have been approved by City
Ordinance 99-28 for the sewage treatment system upgrade. The purpose of
the public hearing is to consider the propriety and advisability of the
City filing a legal petition seeking judicial confirmation of City
authority to sell sewer revenue bonds to finance a portion of the cost of
the upgrade.
ACTION: Approve or reject the filing of a petition to seek judicial
confirmation and direct legal counsel and staff to take action consistent
with the Council's decision.
3. 7:35 p.m. - Public Hearing - Application for Rezoning of Approximately
10.3 Acres on the North Side of Sweet Avenue West of U.S. Highway 95 - Dale
The University of Idaho has applied to rezone this property from TRO and I
to "U" or University Zone to accommodate long-range development plans for
this portion of the University campus. A public hearing was held on this
matter by the Planning and Zoning Commission July 28, 1999 (minutes
ACTION: Reject proposal; or approve Ordinance rezoning the property, on
first reading or under suspension of the rules requiring three separate and
complete readings, and that it be read by title only. Findings of Fact
must be made on this matter.
4. Set Dates for Grant Request Council Workshop - Chris Bainbridge
During the budget process, Council appropriated $25,000 for financial
support grants to various organizations providing community services on
behalf of the City. The grant applications will be distributed soon and a
date needs to be set for a workshop session for Council to review the
applications and listen to organization presentations. The anticipated
deadline for the applications is October 8, 1999. The recommended workshop
date is Monday, October 25, 1999, at a time to be determined by Council.
ACTION: Set Grant Request Council Workshop and determine the meeting time
for October 25, 1999; or take such other action as deemed appropriate.
5. 1912 Moscow High School Building Preliminary Design - Gary J. Riedner
The preliminary design report has been completed for the renovation of the
1912 Moscow High School Building. The report has been prepared by the
architectural consultants, Design West Architects, in collaboration with
Boyle Wagoner Architects and other engineering and technical consultants.
Tom Hudson Company has worked in conjunction with the City Project
Management Team to coordinate the activities of the architectural
consultants in accordance with the uses previously presented to the City
Council by the Citizens Use Committee. Council advised they will accept
written input and consider that input at the next council meeting. Council
also requested further information on revenues which would be used to
offset funds needed for operating and maintaining the building. Previously
reviewed by City Council August 30, 1999.
ACTION: Accept preliminary design report and give direction to staff to
proceed to design documents phase and to proceed with fundraising effort,
or take such other action deemed appropriate.
Administrative Committee
Public Works/Finance Committee
Other Boards & Commissions
Chris Bainbridge
City Clerk
City of Moscow
Vioce (208) 883-7015
Fax (208) 883-7018
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