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Re: Mountain View Road

Ken Medlin wrote:

> Phil, your brief analysis provides again solid proof of the need, in all
> communities facing development issues, for complete information out to
> the public, using all possible media, prior to such major decisions --
> whether tax levy or govt. agency planning -- in order to reach reasonable
> consensus about such development. Without such public education,
> governing entities are left to face alone the pressures, real and
> imagined, that will steer community development in lop-sided fashion,
> which is happening along Mt.View and now also in the Corridor.

   And I would add to list, the business park by Tidyman's.
I hate to be cynical because I believe in the same things
Ken does.  But there are times when public education simply
doesn't work and one would be better off going to the mat.

   Four years ago, I made a decision to tell the Moscow
City Council (and the public at large) that its actions to create a
tax-increment financing district was unlawful, thinking (naively)
that I could actually encourage the City to redevelop its core
area rather than convert prime ag land and open space.  But the
Hodge and company insider steamroller saw things differently.
The City said thank you very much for pointing
out our error.  The City proceeded to designate a bogus
"deteriorated" area as required by law and then used the
financial stature of the City to underwrite private development
of the open space.

   Four years later, was it worth it?  Moscow sold
its open space soul for a second rate technology park.
You have a scarred landscape, increased congestion on the
Troy highway, and by my limited observation, an under-
developed business park.  Was this "progress?"

   I'm still mad at myself that I let the City off the hook.
I had the knowledge to change (at least defer) the
outcome.  My civic optimism got in the way of my
political wisdom.

   My advice regarding the corridor to the few that are confrontational...take no prisoners.
You will likely lose this one.  But at least you won't
have to live the guilt that you didn't do everything
possible to protect those community qualities you care
most about.

Greg Brown (
Associate Professor
Environmental Science Department
Alaska Pacific University
(907) 564-8267

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