Corridor car lot
- To: <>
- Subject: Corridor car lot
- From: "Priscilla Salant" <>
- Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 07:02:03 -0700
- Resent-Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 06:50:00 -0700 (PDT)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"5fEQKC.A.MAB.qXUx3">
- Resent-Sender:
Can anyone give me the facts on how a car lot could have materialized
overnight on the corridor? Perhaps the Whitman County Commissioners are
not legally required to formally approve the new development plan before
auto sales begin?
Before I express unwarranted outrage at the knot of traffic (as shoppers
tried turning left into the gravel pit at rush hour), can someone tell me
it was all a mirage? Before I admit the foolishness of my sympathetic
instincts for the revenue strapped commissioners and property owners, can
someone assure me this is not an in-your-face, we won kind of move?
Surely I misunderstand what's happening in the corridor. It can't be as
bad as it appears.
--Priscilla Salant
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