Latah BOCC Proceedings for Week of August 9, 1999
- To:
- Subject: Latah BOCC Proceedings for Week of August 9, 1999
- From:
- Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 08:37:35 -0700
- Importance: Normal
- Reply-to:
- Resent-Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 08:38:51 -0700 (PDT)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"9buCGC.A.YzB.tTCv3">
- Resent-Sender:
Week of August 9, 1999
Commissioners Samuel G. Duncan, Loreca J. Stauber, and Paul J. Kimmell met
in regular session. The following actions were taken:
Approved, signed and filed Commissioners’ proceedings for the week of August
2, 1999.
Approved, signed and filed request for six month probationary salary
increment increase for Brian J. Dulin, Resource Officer. Table of
Organization, Youth Services Department 08A; and to change from Resource
Officer to Probation Officer, from Department 08A, Line 07 to Department
08A, Line 04. Move from Budget 08-31 to Budget 50-00. Effective August 9,
Approved, signed and filed request to hire Hubert Llewellyn as part-time
irregular youth attendant. Table of Organization, Sheriff’s Office,
Department 04J Line 02. Effective August 10,1999.
Approved, signed and filed request to hire Sarah Cooke as part-time
irregular youth attendant. Table of Organization, Sheriff’s Office,
Department 04J Line 03. Effective August 10,1999.
Approved, signed and filed request to hire Cindy McNeal as part-time
irregular youth attendant. Table of Organization, Sheriff’s Office,
Department 04J Line 04. Effective August 10,1999.
Filed Public Defender hours for the month of July, 1999, as submitted by
Steven C. Mahaffy.
Filed Public Defender hours for the month of July, 1999, as submitted by
Brian D. Thie.
Filed Public Defender hours for the month of July, 1999, as submitted by D.
Ray Barker.
Filed Fee Report from Clerk/Auditor/Recorder for June 1, 1999 through June
30, 1999.
Filed Notice of Appeal from Demetrius J. & Toni J. Koubourlis to the Idaho
State Board of Tax Appeals on Parcel Numbers RPM00000088930A,
RPM00000088400A, and RPM00000088935A.
Filed Notice of Appeal from Demetrius J. & Toni J. Koubourlis to the Idaho
State Board of Tax Appeals on Parcel Number RPM1140001018AA.
Motion and Order to request Tom Townsend attend the Clearwater River Water
User Coalition meeting on August 16, 1999 as the Latah Board of County
Commissioners’ Representative.
Approved, signed and filed request for tuition aid to North Idaho College by
Anna Marie Fenner.
Approved, signed and filed addition to Commissioners’ Proceedings of July
14, 1999: Convened in Executive Session at 9:12 a.m. on July 14, 1999, to
discuss records that are exempt from public inspection; indigent cases
pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345(1)(d). Adjourned at 9:40 a.m. 5
cases approved and 3 cases denied.
Having held a public hearing as provided by law, shall adjust the 1998-99
budget as follows: increase the Justice-Probation Fund Line 08-31-716-01 in
the amount of $1,500; establish the Troy HUD Recovery Grant Fund 63-00 in
the amount of $36,215; establish the Genesee Housing Elevation Grant Fund
66-00 in the amount of $17,043; increase the Justice-Sheriff Fund line
08-45-533-00 in the amount of $500. These funds are unscheduled revenues or
carry forward funds and the expenditure of these funds will be at no
additional cost to the taxpayers of Latah County. The Board directs the
County Auditor to make the necessary adjustments.
Motion and Order to name Lynn Cameron of Cameron Insurance Agency as County
Employee Insurance Representative from October 1, 1999 through September 30,
2001, further naming Lynn Cameron of Cameron Insurance Agency as contact
person for any future queries and/or proposals from employee benefit
Approved, authorized, and filed notification from Latah Fair Board that RFB
Architects have been retained, at a cost not to exceed $6,000, to produce a
rendering of the proposed site improvements to the current fairgrounds; said
site drawings to be available for display at this year’s county fair, if
Approved, signed and filed Resolution #99-14 to transfer $7,918.03 from
Current Expense Cash 01- where funds are available, to cash Fair Building
09- to cover expenses that have been incurred and instruct the County
Auditor to make the necessary adjustments. A certified copy of this
resolution shall be filed in the resolution book and delivered to the County
Treasurer and County Auditor.
Motion and Order to accept report and proposal from Ken Nuhn and approve the
Chair to continue in the process of determining the land values of the
abandoned right-of way and continue matters of acquisition of the right of
Motion and Order to approve the Chair’s signature on the Professional
Services Contract between Latah County and Ruen-Yeager and Associates.
Motion and Order to authorize the Parks Manager to install ADA wheelchair
accessible picnic tables, fireplaces, and bridge improvements, to be paid
from ADA Fund, 24-00-808-09. A wheelchair accessible toilet may be included
if funds permit.
Convened in Executive Session at 9:15 a.m. on August 11, 1999, to discuss
records that are exempt from public inspection; indigent cases pursuant to
Idaho Code Section 67-2345(1)(d). Adjourned at 9:23 a.m. 1 case approved
and 1 case denied.
Convened in Executive Session at 9:32 a.m. on August 11, 1999, to discuss
records that are exempt from public inspection; indigent cases pursuant to
Idaho Code Section 67-2345(1)(d). Adjourned at 9:37 a.m.
Motion and Order to install ceiling fans in the District Court Clerks’
office. Project is deemed priority and project is to be completed by August
18, 1999.
Motion and Order to appoint the Public Defenders, contingent upon
acceptance, as follows: Mahaffy Law Firm: felonies at $74,400; Cindy Miller:
juveniles, termination of parental rights, mental commitments at $33,480;
Mike Curly: misdemeanors at $46,500. Effective October 1, 1999 through
September 31, 2001.
Motion and Order to approve the acquisition and activation of a cell phone
for Parks Manager.
Convened in Executive Session at 4:55 p.m. on August 11, 1999 to discuss
personnel matters pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345 (1)(a)&(b).
Adjourned 5:07 p.m.
All documents are available for inspection in the office of the
Susan Petersen
By: Rachel Rausch
Deputy Clerk of the Board of Latah County Commissioners
ATTEST: , Deputy/Clerk
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