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Re: Computer Bank

>the cost of supporting computers far exceed the cost of buying
>them therefore the initial cost of the computer is not relevant

I'm computer-intelligent myself and I've always been thoroughly disgusted 
with the support personnel at the places I've worked.  I don't doubt that 
support greatly exceeds cost - but I don't think it has to be that way, or so 

>what we need is a public computer lab housed at the community center and 
>maintained by the city.

Having worked for Boise city and with their MIS dept, I suspect the community 
computer lab would be low on the totem pole when the police dept is having 
trouble with its system, or City Hall...

How about volunteers rather than paid employees?  I'd think a college town 
would have more than enough teens and college students with community service 
requirements to furnish some computer-wise "volunteers."  And there should be 
a few who do it out of the goodness of their heart.  If I could study and 
volunteer, I'd do it.

E. O'Daniel

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