Re: Computer Bank
Let me float an idea. If we had space, power, and net access, how many
people would be willing to kick in to buy machines for an open-to-all
computer lab? The machines I'm thinking of are the 333id's or the
like. Each machine would cost about a grand with a NIC, monitor, and small
UPS. It could be run on a pay-per-ability basis or for free, whatever trips
the lifters. If we had volunteers to teach, classes in Works or Word or
whatever could be run.
Ideas? Much software can be had for free or low cost to non-profits. I know
people at Microsoft who could get us a half dozen copies of office and
encarta or whatever for cheap or free. If we gave people accounts on an NT
box, we could let them actually keep persistent records in the lab. I
dunno, I'm just throwing off sparks here.
"Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will
look upon the Act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest."
-- Gandhi
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