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Daily News letters

Has anyone else noticed the decline in the number of letters to the editor 
published in the Daily News lately?  Has the 300 word limit chilled writers--or 
caused a lot of letters sent for publication to be excluded?  

Although there were many writers with whom I disagreed, I always applauded the 
DN's policy of attempting to publish all letters--or when crowded for space 
because of a significant issue, of publishing as many as possible.  

With the expansion of editorial writers and the decline of public letters, I 
know less what the community thinks and see the influence of the few 
editorialists increasing.  Increasing editorial opinions may be a good think 
ultimately, but I see decreasing the opportunities to take issue with the 
editorials as a definite bad thing.  I only take the DN for local news.  I'd 
rather see the international tidbits deleted in favor of more local news and 

Since I understand Mr. Kendall is a v2020 member, perhaps he would consider 
your comments (and mine) in reviewing the policy on letters.


Mike Curley

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