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Re: Review AN march in CDA

Robert Hoffmann's report on the CDA march is appreciated. I was unable to
go to Coeur d'Alene and, if I hadn't been unable, I wouldn't have gone
because the confrontation just makes the Aryan Nations bunch look more

I do endorse the idea of people -- including the governor -- meeting to
proclaim the fact that most Northern Idahoans are not racist. We do need
to realize that the Aryan Nations have a legal and extremely important
right to speak to us.

Why wouldn't it be desirable to ignore (stay at home and pay no attention 
to) Aryan Nations'
events and work hard to promote diversity, rather than to play into their
hands with protests and later civil suits when the police have problems
keeping the peace?

If the people opposed to the racists did that, they then could be REALLY
critical of the attention given to the racists by the mainstream press.

Don H. Coombs

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