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Re: gun control

Date forwarded: 	Sat, 19 Jun 1999 11:31:20 -0700 (PDT)
Date sent:      	Sat, 19 Jun 1999 11:30:10 -0700
From:           	Marc <>
Subject:        	Re: gun control
Forwarded by:

> At 02:12 PM 6/18/99 -0700, you wrote:
> -- snip --
> >The real solution here is not gun control, but using gun sales to finance
> >education.  A 50% sales tax on all gun sales, private or other wise, used
> >to provide for adequate counseling in our schools, would go a long way
> >toward prevention of any more Littletons, which is the real driving force
> >behind all this.  
> Ah, I see.  Guns are the cause of our social ills!  How stupid of me not
> to realize this.  This is why we are suddenly having these school
> shootings. Guns were not available in our society a few years ago.  And
> now that, suddenly, they have flooded the U.S., kids are shooting each
> other. Perhaps we should put a large tax on spray paint also.  Don't most
> gang members get their start with grafitti?

how about the cars they use to get to the school? lets slap a 50% 
tax on those! and the Alcohol! lets slap an 50% tax on that! I got it! 
a 50% tax on ALL the clothes that the advertising industry says 
they need to be "cool"? if kids will pay $150 for  Michale Jordan 
promoted shoes, they won't mind it!

> >and tax the hell out of every sale.
> Move to Canada.  They already do.

I can speak to that, as a Canadian Citizern (don't worry folkes, I'm 
here legaly), I got out of the sport and firearm ownership when they 
slapped all the "extras" on, special permit to move your pistol from 
home to the range, special secure storage, taxes on top of taxes 
for everything related to firearms, having cops show up on my door 
step to check that the pistols in question are securely stored, 
having to submit my medical records to the govt, being harrased by 
the police when someone reported me carrying a pistol (I had one 
of the VERY few concieled carry permits, it went with the Govt Job 
I had), things like that, now. they can kick your door in if they think 
you have a book that mentiones firearms, they can also suddenly 
show up on your door step and forcebly take your firearms from 
you if they decided your living in a firearm free zone (arbatrarily 
established by the regonal Firearm control offier).

thats what Handgun control Inc and there ilk want.. a totaly 
disarmed population.

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