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At 12:33 PM 6/18/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Dear Visionaries,
> Let's look on the bright side of the House votes on gun control. If a 
>student shows up at a public school in America w/ gun in hand, the other 
>students need only refer to the 10 Commandments hanging on the wall and 
>point out to the crazed individual that it states "Thou shalt not kill."
>I forgot that the pen is mightier than the assault weapon.
>Steve Cooke
I am still uncertain about this evil assault weapon thing.  None of the
recent school problems involved assault weapons.  But we should still
legislate them because they are the root of all bad things to happen.

Why am I not surprised--if the Brady bill was in effect before he got shot,
it would have *not* prevented Hinkley from getting his gun legally.


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