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Re: 10 Commandments and assault weapons

>> > I forgot that the pen is mightier than the assault weapon.
>> > Steve Cooke
>funny.. Adolph didn't, he just used pick handles to back up his 

Weren't most of the people in Rwanda killed with machetes? Image if one of
those murdered had had the idea to live... and a gun to back up that idea.
Too bad they were disarmed by the very people who killed them.

Oh yeah... China... the Cultural Revolution. Disarm the people and kill them.

Oh wait, I forgot about Cambodia. Disarm the "elites" and kill anyone who
can read.

And Somalia. Wait, that wasn't genocide, that was civil war. Too bad the
populace as a whole was disarmed. A couple of nutcases were able to
slaughter Somalis (and Americans) at will.

Forgot about Stalin. Same thing, disarm and destroy.

Oh wait, Hitler was in on it too. Disarm the Jews, kill the Jews. Did
anyone else read about the three synagogues getting set to the torch today
in California? Can anyone imagine why Jews might want to arm themselves?

But you know, guns are evil and this will never happen in America.

Except to Japanese in WW2. And blacks, to this day. And American Indians.
Yeah, we never commit genocide in America. Not in Central America. No, we
never support murderous regimes like Duvalier. America is 100% squeeky
clean in OUR dealings.

Anyone remember Tuskeegee Protocol? Hmmm? I can't imagine why black people
are angry about that.

Just because it hurts too much to remember the evil committed in our names
at home and around the world doesn't mean it goes away. ANyone remember the
Saint Louis? A little ship who came to America pre-US WW2 involvement? Full
of refugees? How we turned them away so we wouldn't anger Hitler?

I wish my world view was so simple I could focus on banning guns or banning
abortion or banning flag burning and live a complete life. But I refuse to
forgive evil, even evil committed in my name.

But you know, this has precious little to do with v2020.

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