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letter to the editor

More sprawl.  More deadening California-style highway strip development.  
Another piece of our quality of life hacked away.

All this thanks to the proposal to change the 51 acres of farmland at 
Moscow's northern edge into 202 households and a huge Walmart-sized retail 
area along the highway.

The land there has remained undeveloped because it is so steep.  Now, by 
slicing off the tops of the hills and moving all that dirt to the valley 
adjacent to Highway 95, the developers will try to create enought flat land 
to put in big retail outlets as well as bunches of apartments, duplexes and 

Providing reasonable access, controlling the inevitable massive erosion, 
managing growth and limiting sprawl--that is NOT what the present proposal 
provides.  At the Moscow City Council meeting on Monday, this proposal will 
be discussed again.  I urge the council to send the developers and their 
proposal packing.

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