P&Z meeting 6/9/99
- To:
- Subject: P&Z meeting 6/9/99
- From: "Mike Curley" <curley@CYPHER.TURBONET.COM>
- Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 07:44:54 +0000
- Comments: Authenticated sender is <>
- Priority: normal
- Resent-Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 07:47:10 -0700 (PDT)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"lNwB7D.A.7aF.2ESY3">
- Resent-Sender:
Unofficial notes of the meeting of the Moscow Planning and Zoning
Commission, 6/9/99.
Among other actions, the Commission--1. approved an
application of Mr. Jake Jabborra for annexation and rezoning of 1.08 acres of
land adjacent to the city limits on the north side of White Avenue east of
Mountainview Rd from Agriculture/Forestry to Medium Density Residential (R3).
The R3 zone allows charter schools as a use of right. The expressed purpose of
the request is to allow construction of a charter school on the site.
2. Received information from city staff related to questions raised at the
prior meeting of the Commission on the proposed sign ordinance, and referred
the matter back to the sign ordinance sub-committee to prepare amendments
consistent with guidance given by the full Commission. Further procedure on
the ordinance will include: the sub-committee submitting a proposed ordinance
to the Commission, the Commission reviewing and amending as needed the proposed
ordinance, announcement of a public hearing on the proposed ordinance, public
hearing, consideration of the ordinance by the Commission leading to approval,
denial, or reference back to the sub-committee for further research
and amendment. In the event of referral back to the sub-committee, the same
procedure will be renewed.
Mike Curley
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