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Re:Juvenile Crime legislation

Date forwarded: 	Thu, 3 Jun 1999 15:33:58 -0700 (PDT)
Date sent:      	Thu, 3 Jun 1999 18:32:01 EDT
Subject:        	Re:Juvenile Crime legislation 
Forwarded by:

> >Pls contact your Congressional representative re. S. 254 Juvenile 
> >Crime Bill if you support it or have questions and concerns
> And please contact your Reps if you oppose the bill.

or any bill for that matter..

> >Raise the age for legally buying from any source or
> >possessing a handgun from 18 to 21;
> I agree here.  Let's also raise the voting age to 21.  Not responsible
> enough for firearms - certainly not responsible enough to vote.  What
> happens after the increase to 21 proves to be worthless as far as
> preventing juvenile crime?  25?  30?  Just make up a new arbitrary line?

most places it is illegal for ownership of a handgun under 21.. like 
here in Idaho.
> >Impose a one-gun a month purchase restriction so that
> >individuals can't intentionally purchase dozens of guns for
> >the purpose of reselling them to teenagers or convicted
> >felons.
> Wow!  No ridiculous language in that statement . . .  

which is already illegal.

> As long as we're using Vision2020 for the public posting of "Action
> Needed" notices from Children's Defense Fund can I forward all my NRA
> alerts to Vision2020?

how about my Second Amendment Foundation ones? and reports 
noting the deaths caused by Military cuts? and the number of 
women killed because they were refused the right to self defence?

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