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Re: Have Gun, Must Shoot

> >Or the anti-gun lobby can look at this and say, "See, the thousands of
> >laws we have concerning guns are not working--let's pass a few hundred
> >more that will work just as well."
>  Good idea....until we all remember what guns were devised and
> developed to accomplish: killing, nothing else, nothing less - be it
> animal or person!

yup, lets disarm all those women who are being stalked by ex 
boyfriends/husbands (we know that restraining orders work 100% of 
the time), and lets all remember that even though cars and alcohol 
kill many many many more each year, lets ignore those deaths, 
(after all, there is a law that says you can't drink and drive, so they 
can't be happening),  Laws don't work, so lets take all the guns away 
from everyone, except the Politicians (remember.. when guns are 
outlawed.. only Politicians will have guns, there exempt from the law 

And remember, when that guy comes through your front door with a 
firearm, (stolen, legal, or otherwise) that you won't be allowed to own 
a firearm to shoot back in self defence protecting your life and the 
lives of your family. Just ask the person to stand there quietly while 
you call 911 and have him wait for the police to arrive.

(sarcasm? you bet.. too many women have died because they 
couldn't get a permit to get a firearm to protect themselves from the 
stalker/rapist/pschyo ex, when is enough enough? the police can't 
be there to protect us, the Supreme Court says that they don't have 
to be, so what else can we do?)

Firearms don't just kill, they can stop a killing.. just by there 

Stan Evans

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