Re: gun control
This is one of those news stories that need to be taken with a block of
salt. The Senate Republican leaders miscalculated by bringing the
"juvenile justice" bill to the floor; the House Republican leadership will
not make the same mistake. When the House finally passes a bill in
September or October, it will be very different: the stuff that the NRA
doesn't like will have vanished. The House and Senate bills will then go
to Conference -- and the NRA will get what it wants.
Or, so I am willing to bet.
Dale Goble
On Fri, 21 May 1999, Steve Cooke wrote:
> Dear Visionaries,
> Who'd thunk it? Today US, tomorrow Idaho?
> Steve Cooke
> -------Date: 21 May 1999 07:44:23 -0000
> From: "" <>
> To:
> Subject: A watershed victory
> Today marked a significant victory for common-sense gun measures. The
> Lautenberg amendment was approved by the thinnest possible margin. Your
> voice was heard and may have made the difference. Thank you for your work.
> Focus will now move to the House of Representatives.
> A quote from Reuters (full text can be found at news):
> "With Vice President Gore casting a rare tie-breaking vote, the Senate
> Thursday gave gun control advocates a stunning victory by approving a
> Democratic proposal to require background checks at gun shows."
> >From the New York Times:
> "What you just saw is the NRA losing its grip on the United States Senate,
> at long last," declared Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle of South
> Dakota.
> "This is a turning point for our country," Gore said after the vote.
> "Finally, this majority is turning the corner and helping to protect the
> children and families of this country."
> For full text of the NY Times article, go to:
> SERIOUS pressure was brought to bear on Republicans who broke ranks, but
> they held firm. And a few key Democrats cast hard votes for this
> amendment. We should continue to show our support to these courageous
> legislators who will probably get tremendous flack over the coming weekend.
> Especially if you are a constituent of one of these Senators, please call
> and offer your appreciation. A sample phone script can be found below.
> Here are state office phone numbers:
> John Breaux (D-LA) (504)589-2531
> John Chafee (R-RI) (202)224-2921
> Tom Daschle (D-SD) (605)226-7471
> Mike DeWine (R-OH) (614)469-7419
> John Edwards (D-NC) (919)856-4245
> Peter Fitzgerald (R-IL) (217)492-5089
> Mary Landrieu (D-LA) (504)589-2427
> Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) (501)376-0977
> Richard Lugar (R-IN) (317)226-5555
> Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) (304)347-5372
> George Voinovich (R-OH) (614)469-6697
> John Warner (R-VA) (804)771-2579
> * Wes Boyd
> May 20, 1999
> P.S.
> Here's a sample phone script you could use in your calls to the Senate:
> Hello, my name is [your name]. I live in [City, State]. I want to thank
> [Senator X] for the Senator's courageous support of the Lautenberg
> amendment on Thursday. I support sensible gun measures, and this is a
> great start. I hope the Senator will continue to work for gun safety. It
> will save lives.
> _________
> This is a message from the "Gun Safety First" campaign at If
> you don't wish to receive any further messages from this campaign, just
> reply and type "remove"
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