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regional arts center organizational meeting

May 19, 1999

For Immediate Release
Contact:  Mary Blyth

Regional Arts Center Plans Meeting

A brainstorming and organizational meeting for the new Arts Center to be 
located in the historic 1912 Moscow High School will be held on Wednesday, 
May 26  at 4:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers/City Hall.  The meeting 
is sponsored by the Moscow Arts Commission.
Results from the public hearings conducted by the Mayor's Use Committee 
determined that the arts were one of the top priorities for use of the 
building.  A Science Center is also being planned for a portion of the 
building, as well as many multi-use community spaces and a senior center. 
 According to Mary Blyth, director of the Moscow Arts Commission, "this is 
a golden opportunity for all those interested in the arts to share their 
visions and ideas for the development of a first class arts center that 
will have terrific programming and present opportunities for Moscow and the 
greater region."
Anyone interested in the development of the future Arts Center should bring 
their ideas and questions to the meeting.   Support is needed now to make 
sure the community's needs and ideas are well represented and arts 
advocates identified and organized.  There is an agenda and a facilitator 
to ensure a productive and dynamic meeting.
On June 9 the group will have the opportunity to meet with the design team 
and help to determine the specifics of the space being allocated for the 
arts.  Questions concerning the meeting or the project be directed to Mary 
Blyth at 883-7036.

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