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Re: FW: Pass on to get Jane "Hanoi" Fonda off the interview

Doc, thank you for the opportunity to provide input.  I just sent my
email to Ms. Walters.  While Ms. Walters has set the pace and become an
icon for today's female journalists, I was truly dismayed to hear she
would include Jane Fonda (a truly outstanding actress) in an interview
for the upcoming coverage of what should be an outstanding program (100
years of women).  My father is a highly decorated combat veteran of
Vietnam and I was living in Bangkok, Thailand from 66 - 70 while he
served multiple tours there.  I remember waking up one morning shortly
after my father had returned to Bangkok on R&R and meeting a tall young
man.  He was so tall in fact, that he had to duck to keep from hitting
his head on the ceiling fans in the house.  He had accompanied my father
back from Vietnam on R & R and had a quiet gentle style about him.  He
was a fellow soldier (helo pilot) and close friend serving alongside my
father who had also gone through West Point with him.  These two were
close and he soon endeared himself to my mother and the rest of the
family.  It was good to see dad had a close friend while he laid his
life on the line.  Not too long after that visit, that same tall young
man was blown from the sky by NVA ground to air fire. Dad never spoke of
him for nearly thirty years.  While I was stationed at the Pentagon, dad
came to visit.  I only had to see his tears as we stood at the Wall in
DC in 96 to know that Jane Fonda betrayed this country, her father and
herself by her actions in Vietnam.  The video of her frolicking on the
AAA battery for two NVA still makes me physically ill to the point of
fatigue.  Thanks again for allowing me to voice my opinion to Ms.

Phil Cooper

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