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Re: Moscow school district cuts

I have wondered the same thing.  It seems to me there are three possible
explanations for declining enrollment:  kids leaving public schools to be
home schooled or for private schools; a change in the age structure of the
community, so we have more older people and fewer families with kids; and
across the board outmigration.  Each explanation has different implications
for how the school district, and the local government, responds.

Given recent Census Bureau estimates about net outmigration from Moscow and
Latah County, declining population seems to be playing a role.  Still, I
can't shake the impression that this community doesn't have the air or the
feel of a place that's in decline.

I read in the Daily News that the district plans to hire a consultant to
figure out what the future might hold for enrollment.  Does anyone know if
that's happening?

--Priscilla Salant
> From: Rod Nixon <>
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Moscow school district cuts
> Date: Monday, April 26, 1999 6:11 PM
> Question: How does the school district come upwith the student
> population decline number that is forcasted? 200 students is a whole lot
> of people. I realize that being in a town that has a a tranisonary (?)
> group i.e. university staff that come and go. Do they do surveys,
> counts? Do they see how many will. go from the jhs to the high school?
> And who comes up with this numbers?.                              Rod
> Nixon

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