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Re: Moscow School District budget cuts

John and Laurie

Is there a way of asking for volunteers to cut back on hours, or say take a
semester sabbatical. If 20 teachers in the system each semester took off
and rotated this off time, it could be beneficial for everyone.  I know how
much enthusiasm my husband had after doing a university sabbatical else
where. He came back ready to assult the class room.  I have heard several
teachers and an aid say they would like to work less hours but don't want
to quit altogether. Could some teachers cut their work loads and pay by
working part time? Is there a way to have teachers retire early? There may
be a few out there that are ready to do so.

I hate to see any of the programs cut completely-I am infavor of reduing
everyone an equal amount and letting them think how to make it on less.

This sounds like a difficult thing to have to do. Thanks for letting us
know what is happening

Mayme Trumble

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