RE: Parents and Schools
Dear E.
The problem with blaming is that it misdirected and self absolving. Each
group plays a role in an interdependent society and each group needs to
assume responsibility for their role. My role is to tolerate easy access to
hand guns and assault weapons when I know better.
Steve Cooke
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Friday, April 23, 1999 1:18 AM
Subject: Parents and Schools
One thing I keep hearing in the media is that parents generally object when
the school attempts to discipline their kid, and rather than fight it out
with the parent, the school caves and gives lesser discipline.
I do not have children now, and just wonder if this is the feeling that
parents or school administrators here have.
A radio program indicated that a teen back east somewhere was expelled from
his school for making death threats against the principal. His parents are
evidently suing the school for infringing his 1st amendment rights . . .
The other thing I'd like to mention is the apparent lack of willingness to
BLAME the parents of these kids. I realize they don't bear the entire
of this situation, but who else had these kids for seventeen years? Blame
away. These parents screwed up. These kids manufactured dozens of bombs
without the parents figuring anything out. These kids reportedly did
projects on their gun collections. These kids dressed in lots of black
reportedly, wore Nazi/German insignia as jewelry. These parents were not
paying attention, didn't care, or are just plain stupid.
What's so wrong with blaming them? No one knew these kids better than the
parents - except possibly the friends of these kids.
E. O'Daniel
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