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Re: who is responsible?

> perhaps guns did not make those kids kill kids, but, 
>to slightly change your phrase, they made it simple

The determined will find a way.  How about pulling a fire alarm and then 
running over the student body while they cluster about on the school lawn?  

I can only guess at the body count from that one.  And the plan that these 
idiots executed was far from simple.  And they had bombs.  They possibly 
could have pulled off an Oklahoma City-type bombing.  Who knows exactly what 
these guys were capable of.  (Their probation officer indicated they were 
bright and had promise - would likely succeed...)

I don't deny that firearms contribute to this problem.  (Perhaps it's the 
glorificaiton of firearms...)  But eliminating firearms, if even possible, 
will not solve the problem of homicidal kids.

Does Moscow Public Library have the Anarchist's Cookbook?  Boise Public had 
two copies, which were very often requested by kids.

E. O'Daniel

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