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Re: Unidentified subject!

Thank you, Robbie, for sharing your perspective with the
email list.  I really was surprised to be reading the words
of a
high school student.  I don't remember that happening

It should be a plus for the usual list participators to read
words of high school students.  Maybe a dialog can begin
among age
groups?  Maybe some understanding could emerge?


Sam Scripter

-----Original Message-----
From: Dr. Robbie Storla <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, April 22, 1999 9:39 PM
Subject: Unidentified subject!

For those of you that don't know I am a high school student
at Moscow High.  We have had discussions about shooting
incidents in schools and the students have came to conclude
that blame is to be put to the parents.  Let's see, teens
and kids have access to guns at home? And let me say that if
your kid is planing this wouldn't you know something was up?
To me there is a right to privacy but there is also a line
that has to be drawn. I also think that it is really bad
that kids can get accuses to information as how to make
bombs, along with this there needs to be a line drawn with
the Internet.  People need to use it as a learning tool and
that is it.

Robbie Storla

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