RE: columbine h.s.
Q6 this morning was talking about possibly putting in metal detectors in the
schools entrances- is this a possibility?
It scares me to death to think that there were warning signs that weren't
recognized in this case in Colorado though. Then again- that school was
pretty big- some of the teachers didn't even know who these "trenchcoat
mafia" kids were...
Teresa Miller- Assistant Buyer
University of Idaho
Purchasing Services
415 West 6th Street
Moscow, ID 83844-4350
Phone: 208-885-3660
Fax: 208-885-3607
-----Original Message-----
From: Lois Melina []
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 1999 10:05 AM
Subject: columbine h.s.
what, if anything,
could be done
should be done
in the Moscow School District
to reduce the chance of a shooting like this in our schools
to respond should an incident like this develop?
Lois Melina
Lois Melina
Editor, "Adopted Child" newsletter
P.O. Box 9362
Moscow ID 83843
phone: (208)882-1794
fax: (208)883-8035
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