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Week of April 12, 1999

Commissioners Samuel G. Duncan, Paul J. Kimmell and Loreca J. Stauber met in
regular session.  The following actions were taken:

Approved, signed and filed Commissioners’ Proceedings for the Week of April
5, 1999.

Approved, signed and filed request for tuition aid to North Idaho College by
Sarah Meyer.

Approved, signed and filed request for tuition aid to North Idaho College by
Tara N. Heath.

Filed Conflict Public Defenders hours for the month of March 1999 as
submitted by D. Ray Barker.

Filed Public Defenders hours for the month of March 1999 as submitted by
Steven C. Mahaffy.

Filed Public Defenders hours for the month of March 1999 as submitted by
Brian D. Thie.

Filed Public Defenders hours for the month of March 1999 as submitted by
Gregory C. Dickison.

Approved, signed and filed Fee Report - Clerk/Auditor/Recorder for March 1
through March 31, 1999.

Filed Notice of Loss Ledger.  ICRMP Quarterly Report Claims for less than

Approved, signed and filed Resolution #99-04.  A resolution transferring
Cash Balance from “Current Expense 01” to Cash Balance “Bond Redemption -05”
,Treasurer’s Office Latah Care Bond.

Approved, signed and filed Ordinance #201.  Adoption of City of Moscow
Ordinance Nos. 99-12 and 99-13,  “Moscow Area of City Impact Ordinance
Week of April 12, 1999
Page 2

Having held a public hearing as provided by law, Motion and Order to adjust
the 1998-99 budget as follows: increase the Justice - Sheriff Fund Line
08-45-569-00 in the amount of $2,327; increase the Sheriff - Community
Policing Contract Fund Line 32-00-801-00 in the amount of $26,000; increase
the Current Expense - General Fund Line 01-18-818-01; by $5,000; and
increase the 4-H Program Assistant Grant Fund Line 69-00 in the amount of
$6,990.  These funds are unscheduled revenues or carry forward funds and the
expenditure of these funds will be at no additional cost to the taxpayers of
Latah County.  We direct the County Auditor to make the necessary
adjustments.  Minutes and tape are on file in the Auditor’s office.

Motion and Order to authorize Chair’s signature on the Application for
Enhanced 9-1-1- Service, GTE Network and Database Services with Latah
County, with the alterations as made.

Motion and Order directing that the work period begin Sunday midnight for
employees of the Sheriff’s Office and all 207(k) employees, effective
retroactive to March 4, 1999 which was the time the Latah County Personnel
Policy Handbook was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners.

Motion and order to accept the bid proposal submitted by Walter Steed and
Associates for the CDBG grant, DR1154, for administrative services to be
awarded April 14, 1999, as specified in grant application contingent upon
grant approval.  Minutes and tape are on file in the Auditor’s office.  No
other proposals were submitted.

Convened in Executive Session at 4:05 p.m. on April 14, 1999, to discuss
records that are exempt from public inspection, indigent cases, pursuant to
Idaho Code Section 67-2345(1)(d).  Adjourned at 4:49 p.m.  Nine (9) cases
approved and one (1) case denied.

All documents are available for inspection in the office of the

Susan Petersen
Clerk of the Board of Latah County Commissioners

by: Sandra Crooks, Deputy
Clerk of the Board of Latah County Commissioners

APPROVED:					, Chair

ATTEST:					, Deputy Clerk

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