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Curbside recycling

According to the article in the Saturday Daily news, curbside recycling is
up and running well.  I still don't know what the goals for it are, but
using the numbers supplied, and various statements made, I can come to a few
1) The city and Latah Sanitation implemented curbside recycling and used an
unanticipated difference between what the city collects and what Latah
Sanitation spends to fund the program.
2) the unanticipated difference amounted to $2.11 per household per month.
A household is defined as four family units or less.
3) $2.11 X 12months X 4000 households = $101280.00/year spent on curbside
I support recycling, but I just want to know if curbside recycling is the
best use for $101280.00 of city money each year, and what method is going to
be used to determine if curbside recycling is actually successful.
John and Laurie Danahy

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