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Re: pizzaville

> This helps keep money in
>the community.  
Very true, Bob. BUT, when the CU's and even S & L's need BIG money, they 
go to the financial centers like Seattle, SF, LA, Chicago, NY etc. where 
the billions of potential credit are held. Ask your local CU lender where 
he/she goes for a big loan, say 100 - 200K, and they'll probably say 
Portland or Seattle. The $ wholed up there are closely managed by the 
monsters who, more and more, seek out only the best and quickest and 
'safest' returns for their investments. Small town banks cannot finance 
development by themselves. The history of most all urban sprawl ventures 
is lodged in those relationships. Over the past 10 years I've seen that 
very process work in two other states, leading to awful urban sprawl, 
congestion (a la California) and a lower quality of life for 80-90% of 
the community. Of course, the wheelers and dealers do very well, due to 
their "forsight" and participation with the moneyed elite and other power 
brokers who aren't concerned for ordinary folks or their children's 
future.  Once in Michigan, when Consumers Power built a huge nuclear 
plant right in the middle of a lovely semi-rural, small town complex, all 
the official planners said, "Amen!" A desperate citizenry, over a 
ten-year period, finally got the project stopped at half-way point. After 
that, the State Utilities Commission approved a big energy hike on the 
consumers to "pay for" the power company's "mistake"! Moral of the story: 
Communities must educate themselves and organize to ensure that their own 
government and services are truly run for them, not the carpet baggers, 
whom we can find everywhere, even in Moscow and Pullman. Ken Medlin

William K. Medlin
Dev-plan associates
930 Kenneth Street
Moscow ID 83843

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