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Re: pizzaville

Buying from locally owned businesses would help that multiplier increase,
too.  Increasing purchases from local growers at the farmers' market,
choosing to buy from locallly owned stores instead of Walmart, Staples,
Safeway, etc. would go a long way.  

Perhaps the Universities could choose to locate incubating businesses in
empty downtown spaces instead of contributing to sprawl?

It's not "they" that drain money from our area and keep low wage jobs
predominant.  It's the choices each of us make every day when we shop for
food and other goods.

Peggy Adams

On Wed, 14 Apr 1999, Steve Cooke wrote:

> Dear Visionaries,
>  A couple of weeks ago I did back of the envelope calculations of the 
> income and employment multipliers for the export base (Ag, Manuf, State 
> Gov't, i.e., UI) for Latah County. It turns out that the income multiplier 
> is about 1.5 and the employment multiplier is about 3.0.
>  This means that for every dollar of income generated in ag, manuf., or 
> state gov't, fifty cent in generated elsewhere in Latah county (services, 
> wholesale, retail).
> Also for every job (full time and part-time) created in the export sector, 
> two jobs are created in the support sectors, i.e, services, wholesale and 
> retail.
> These number suggest that the export sector creates a lot of low wage jobs. 
> This would explain the proliferation of pizza parlors in Moscow.
> Good news: easy place for high school students to find employment. Bad 
> news: difficult place for spouses to find employment.
> This would also explain the importance of the business incubator and park. 
> It is needed to create high paying manufacturing jobs for a captive and 
> highly educated labor force.
> Steve Cooke

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