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Re: recycling


Let's see.  I walk to my garage and sort my recyclables into two bins
provided to me.  Someone comes and picks them up for me.  Seems pretty
simple to me.  I also no longer have to sort these items into large bins
far away from my home during raging snow storms and when the yellow jackets
are so thick you could through them with knives.

The way this small town has worked on its recycling program, I'm sure that
if they run into major problems with this new system that they will be
corrected swiftly.

The whole thing works better for me!

Mark Miller

> From: John and Laurie Danahy <>
> To: Judi Thompson <>; Sam Scripter
<>; Moscow2020 <>
> Subject: Re: recycling
> Date: Wednesday, March 24, 1999 9:20 PM
> Hmmm
>      I would agree that this is better than not recycling at all, but I
> not agree that this is better than what I was doing before.  To me it is
> much more convenient to drop off my recyclables than to try and decipher
> these muddled new rules.  As to a fee, tonight's paper said the City of
> Moscow was paying $2.50 per household per month (I think that is
> I ask where does the city get its funds if not us.
> John
> John and Laurie Danahy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Judi Thompson <>
> To: Sam Scripter <>; Moscow2020
> Date: Wednesday, March 24, 1999 6:21 PM
> Subject: Re: recycling
> >Sam and others...
> >
> >I called the recycling center today and had most all my questions
> >answered.  We are NOT being charged a new fee.  This is part of the
> >agreement between the city and Latah Sanitation.  Most recyclables don't
> >bring in much money...but it is better than dumping them in a landfile
> >somewhere.
> >
> >The process is complicated because of the weight limit on what can be
> >picked up at one time.  That's why the various colors of glass can't be
> >picked up all at the same time.
> >
> >We really have a great system and with the recent rate reduction
> >something must be going right.
> >
> >Take care and have a nice night!
> >
> >Judi Thompson
> >

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