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Names please!


It's been about a year since we instituted a change on the listserve.  We
asked everyone to re-subscribe, and give their name so it could be
associated with any message they post.  People who didn't go through the
re-subscription process after several reminders were "unsubscribed."  Our
purpose in asking for names was, generally, to encourage people to take
responsibility for things they said publicly.  More specifically, several
people had posted potentially libelous statements without signing their
names.  The was broad agreement that this new policy was good for the list.

Since the change was implemented, some people have managed to subscribe
without giving their names.  I'm not sure how this happens, but recent
posts by people whose names aren't identified is evidence that it does. 
One individual who I personally asked to sign their names replied
(correctly) that our web site doesn't say "names required."  Good point. 
We need to fix this.

For those of you whose posts come up with only an email address and no
name, please go to and then click on Vision 2020.  I think
the easiest thing is for you to then unsubscribe and re-subscribe, this
time filling in your first and last names.

If the majority of people on the list think this is a bad idea, let's
re-visit it.

--Priscilla Salant

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