- To:
- From:
- Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 13:59:00 -0800
- Importance: Normal
- Reply-to:
- Resent-Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 14:00:38 -0800 (PST)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"7bVIpB.A.PPG.01r92">
- Resent-Sender:
Week of March 15, 1999
Commissioners’ Samuel G. Duncan, Paul J. Kimmell and Loreca J. Stauber met
in regular session. The following actions were taken:
Official Oath administered to Paul J. Kimmell, Commissioner District I. For
a term to begin on March 17, 1999 through January 2001.
Approved, signed and filed Commissioners’ Proceedings for the Week of March
8, 1999.
Approved, signed and filed Sheriff’s Office request to assign surplus 1984
Chevy Cavalier from surplus to Sheriff’s fleet.
Approved, signed and filed request for cancellation of taxes on parcel
number PPH 210, due to owner is deceased.
Approved, signed and filed compromises on tax cancellation for parcel number
PPM 312. Commissioners approved compromise bill of $27.50, over the
objections of owner.
Approved, signed and filed request for cancellation of taxes on parcel
number PPP 187T; business is closed and owner left the county.
Approved, signed and filed request for solid waste fee adjustment for one
year on parcel number RP 42N 04W 2048 80A, due to house is vacant and
Approved, signed and filed request for solid waste fee adjustment for one
year on parcel number MH 39N 05W 0532 50A, request for one year seasonal
Approved, signed and filed request for solid waste fee adjustment for one
year on parcel number RP 37N 03W 09 3005A, house burned down.
Approved, signed and filed request to change status of Jennifer Kay
Brumley-Moore, Law Clerk from part-time to full-time. Table of Organization
Clerk of the Court, department 01AA, line 01. Date effective March 8, 1999.
Motion and Order to amend the Motion and Order of March 3, 1999 to correct
the day from Friday to Saturday March 20, 1999; and that the Board, having
adopted amendments to the Latah County Personnel Manual which will change
the work week from beginning at 12:00 midnight on Sunday of each week to
12:00 midnight on Friday of each week, declare the 28-day reporting period
for Law Enforcement Officers subject to special exception Section 207(k)
shall begin on Saturday, March 20, 1999 and the reporting period for all
non-law enforcement employees shall begin March 27, 1999.
Approved, signed and filed indemnity bond for the City of Onaway in the
amount of $3.29.
Approved, signed and filed indemnity bond for the City of Onaway in the
amount of $61.46.
Approved, signed and filed indemnity bond for the City of Onaway in the
amount of $692.99.
Approved, signed and filed request to advertise for CDBG Disaster Recovery
Project funds, request for proposals from qualified grant administrators and
Motion and Order to authorize the Chair’s signature on the equipment lease
agreement for Mita 2360 copier in Social Services department.
Motion and Order to communicate with Chairman Stone of the Idaho House of
Representatives, the Commissioners’ opposition to the land use legislation,
Senate Bill 1201. Commissioners’ Duncan and Stauber vote yes; Commissioner
Kimmell abstains.
Approved, signed and filed Treasurer/Auditor Joint Reports: December 1998;
Quarterly October 1, 1998 through December 31, 1998; January 1999; March
Convened in Executive Session at 10:04 a.m. on March 17, 1999, to discuss
records that are exempt from public inspection, indigent cases, pursuant to
Idaho Code Sec. 67-2345 (1)(d); adjourned at 10:57 a.m. Fifteen (15) cases
approved and three (3) cases denied.
Motion and Order to approve the Chair’s signature on the application for the
Transportation Enhancement Program for Latah Trail reimbursement grant for
Motion and Order to appoint Lynn Cameron as Broker of Record for VRI at no
charge to the county.
Motion and Order to approve the Chair’s signature on the designation of
Broker of Record for VRI.
Convened in Executive Session at 4:34 p.m. on March 17, 1999, to discuss
litigation, pursuant to Idaho Code Sec. 67-2345 (1)(f); adjourned at 5:02
All documents are available for inspection in the office of the
Susan Petersen
Clerk of the Board of Commissioners
by: Sandra Crooks, Deputy
Clerk of the Board of Commissioners
ATTEST: , Deputy Clerk
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