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Re: Bikinimania

Whether the young women of Moscow walk down a catwalk in bikinis to be
"judged" on their physical appearance is not trivial because it speaks to
the values we as parents and as community members want our young people to
have. I want the young women of Moscow, like young women everywhere, to
value themselves enough to want to be evaluated for a broad range of
abilities. I want the young men of Moscow, like young men everywhere, to
look at women and see more than what immediately jumps out at them. When we
"measure" our young women I hope it is to see to what degree they have
fulfilled their potential and given back to their communities; not to see
what their bra size is. When our young men look at our young women, I hope
it is to see the depth of their character not just the depth of their
cleavage. Unless we as parents, and as leaders in the community, monitor
this, we will raise a superficial generation--one that does not have the
capacity to care about the civil rights of welfare recipients.

Lois Melina
> From: G M <>
> To: Vision 2020 <>
> Subject: Bikinimania
> Date: Tuesday, March 09, 1999 6:46 PM
> Can't the bikini contests just wait until we get the new pool built? 
> And then, to appease/please Mayme Trumble, include guys?
> But seriously...all this reaction about teens in bikinis while
> virtually no one comments on recent posts concerning the dark and
> forboding nature of:
> 1) Requiring welfare recipients to submit to urinalysis.
> 2) Proposed broad investigatory powers of FDIC.
> Wow.
> I'm no "Beach" fan, but considering other scenerios looming before us,
> young adults parading in two-piece bathing suits seems somewhat, well,
> trivial.
> Greg Meyer
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