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Re: Info on bills to reduce gas taxes

I don't mean to sound mean but use a little common sense, the money that
10-15% extra goes into their pockets.  Do you realy think that they are
willing to give that up?  Come on they have been taking our money this long
they sure arent going too stop now.
					Have a good one 
					Robert Moore

At 10:55 PM 2/16/99 -0700, Ken Medlin wrote:
>>SB1167 and SB 1172.  I will continue to oppose both bills. 
>How about asking the fuel wholesalers and retailers, whose gasoline 
>markups are still (after about a 10% drop following our public inquiry), 
>to place 50% of the difference between gas prices in Latah Co. area, and 
>those in Lewiston area, into a US95 highway fund? Of course this may 
>sound ludicrous, but it might just encourage those dealers who still set 
>their prices 10-15% above those of neighboring areas to exercise true 
>fairness toward their consumers. Who benefits from their high markups? Do 
>you have any intention of holding some kind of legislative review of such 
>William K. Medlin
>Dev-plan associates
>930 Kenneth Street
>Moscow ID 83843

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