moscow public works committee agenda 2-8-99
- To: "\"Larry Hodge (E-mail)\" <Larry Hodge" <>, "\"Lori Courtright (E-mail)\" <Lori Courtright" <>, "\"Roger Blanchard (E-mail)\" <Roger Blanchard" <>, "\"Vision 2020 (E-mail)\" <Vision 2020" <>
- Subject: moscow public works committee agenda 2-8-99
- From: Gib Myers <>
- Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 16:46:44 -0800
- Resent-Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 16:52:15 -0800 (PST)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"UaE27B.A.bZ.hI5u2">
- Resent-Sender:
Agenda for Monday, February 8, 1999 - 4:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers, 206 East Third, Second Floor
1. Minutes of February 1, 1999 meeting
2. Disposition of Uncollectible Unpaid Parking Tickets - Dan Weaver
The Police Department has a backlog of approximately 5500 parking tickets with an estimated retail value of $110,000; which are uncollectible and unpaid. Request authorization to delete from the MPD system.
ACTION: Recommend authorization to delete the above-mentioned unpaid, uncollectible parking tickets from the MPD system.
3. Review of Discussion of Old Wren House Property - Gary Presol
Request has been made of Shelly Bennett of Bennett & Associates Reality for the committee to review the decision on the Old Wren House Property, i.e., to accept the property from the State and develop it as a landscaped area.
ACTION: Recommend revising former decision; or stand with former decision or take action as needed.
4. Change Order on Mountain View Storm Sewer - Gary Presol
During the course of the Mountain View Storm Sewer Project, the unanticipated elevation of a City water main was encountered to be in conflict with the grade of the new storm sewer line. It was necessary to lower a portion of the existing water main.
ACTION: Recommend approval of Change Order to contract with Motley Construction in the amount of $1,341.25.
5. Crites-Seed Inquiry on Possible Public Improvements on Couplet Project and/or 8th Street -
Gary Presol
Crites Seed will be developing new structures on their property adjacent to new couplet alignment and 8th Street. The inquiry is what public improvements, i.e., curbs and sidewalk, might be required along either the couplet and/or 8th Street.
ACTION: Determine curb and sidewalk requirements in association with proposed Crites-Seed development.
6. South Couplet Connection Cooperative Agreement/Resolution - Gary Presol
Idaho Transportation Department requires execution of a resolution in conjunction with the contract for the South Couplet Connection.
ACTION: Recommend adoption of Resolution in support of agreement.
Wastewater Treatment Plant Issues - Gary Presol
2/16 Contract for Skate Park Design Services - Roger Blanchard
2/16 January Accounts Payable - Jim Wallace
2/16 White Avenue to Carmichael Road Pathway Highway Program - Gary Presol
Stormwater Control Ordinance - Gary Presol
Discussion - Council Workshop for Community Services Grants
Report from Bicycle Commission on Bicycle Recommended Routes
White Avenue to Carmichael Road Pathway
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