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Re: unfair gas prices

  I moved to Boise about six months ago and travel to Moscow quite
 frequently...Just be glad you don't live in McCall or New meadows...Its
 close to $1.35 per gallon there, and thats for the cheap stuff.  But I
 have noticed that the gas station next door to my apartment is only
 .88 cents per gallon, and on the other side of town, at the same gas
 station, its aanywhere from 11-15 cents more.  Guess its all about supply
 and demand.
 (just my two cents worth)

 ___ ___ ___ 
| __/ __|_ _|   Mike Harshbarger, First Step Internet
| _|\__ \| |       System & Network Administrator
|_| |___/___|     (208) 882-8869  /  1-888-676-6377

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