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National Park Study

TO :  Visionaries interested in issues of preservaton/conservation of 
natural and cultural resources

     Yours truly recently published a study, based on an in-depth report 
done for the Nat'l Park Service, on the development over a 100 year 
period of Federal administration and management of our precious natural 
heritage -- a case study on one park in the southern Cascades. The 
findings are both encouraging and disconcerting. If this topic interests 
you, you are welcome to attend my book talk and signing at --

           THE BOOK PEOPLE, SATURDAY, FEB. 6 AT 5 PM     A limited 
introductory offering at reduced price is available for those attending.  
If you know of a neighbor, kindly share the info. Thanks!  W. Ken Medlin

William K. Medlin
Dev-plan associates
930 Kenneth Street
Moscow ID 83843

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