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Fair Gas Prices

Dear Visionaries:  You are no doubt aware that, a week or ten days after 
inquiries were made of a number of gaoline wholesalers and retailers in 
this area, pump prices have dropped about 4-5%, to between l.l2 and l.16 
in Moscow. We don't believe it's an accident or due to "fate" or just 
goodwill. Our active stance and word-of-mouth in support of fair 
treatment to consumers must have had some affect! Still, our prices range 
between 20 - 25% above those in southern Idaho and SE Washington, and 
about 10 - 15% above Spokane. Why?
   We also wrote to the Better Business Bureau "serving the Inland 
Northwest", at the suggestion of the Moscow City Chamber of Commerce, 
giving  details about the gasoline prices here and the results of our 
direct inquiries (quotations from industry spokespersons and names of 
companies).  The B and B gave us a curt reply:  "We do not get involved 
in these issues".  Maybe if we could prove the gasoline is "watered down" 
somehow they would investigate! If any of you have a suggestion for 
further action, we'll listen. Thanks for all your interest.
   I do agree with some who say that higher prices tend to discourage 
excess or needless use of the automobile. You are no doubt right. At the 
same time, those of us who are environmentally motivated would still 
substitute walking, biking and car-pooling whenever possible. As economic 
consumers, we have a right to what is fair in comparison to other 
citizens in the Region. Comment?

William K. Medlin
Dev-plan associates
930 Kenneth Street
Moscow ID 83843

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