Fair Gas Prices
Interestingly, my husband just returned from the Humanitarian Bowl (go
Vandals!) and he said these were the following gas prices (to the best of
his recollection):
Flying J near Caldwell was $.88/gallon
Boise was on average $1.00/gallon
New Meadows was $1.10
Riggins (Chevron) was $1.14
And gas in Deary is $1.13 (Texaco) (on a slightly different road trip)
Supposedly Idaho is one of the highest priced states in the nation for
gas prices and Moscow is one of the highest priced cities in Idaho
(according to a recent story in the Spokesman of which I don't recall the
exact date). So how can their NOT be price fixing or somesuch?
I would really like to find something about this. I know we could all walk
more, drive less, etc and that would be a fine topic to diverge to at a
later moment but at present these prices are ridiculous. My brother-in-law
just drove back here from Penn State and he said this was the highest
prices he had seen across the country. A friend of ours from Stillwater,
Oklahoma, said their gas at present is .78/gallon and my other
brother-in-law pays .99/gallon in Anchorage. And in Bonners Ferry (at the
end of the earth), my parents-in-law pay on average $1.15. And they are
certainly farther away from the nearest port of anything.
Debbie Gray
If the world were to end tomorrow, I would still plant a tree today.
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