RE: impeachment
At 08:18 AM 12/30/98 -0800, John Guyer wrote:
>Deception in general is a tool of warfare. It is
>tool to be used in the waging of war against an enemy. Are the American
>people President Clinton's enemies? Is our justice system his enemy?
>My question is a more basic one. How do the impeachment detractors find
>President Clinton still fit to lead, when he has used a tool of war against
>the people and the system he is sworn to serve?
As Noam Chomsky points out, deception is not merely a tool of warfare, it
is a basic tool of political power. Just think of the term "campaign
promise." Most candidates lie to the public when running for office (the
higher the office, the greater the lies generally are). Our Federal
government and representatives lie to us constantly--about the size of the
debt, about the dictators they support, about crime and poverty in our
country, and about conditions in countries that the Feds denounce.
To say that politicians lie is, in fact, somewhat redundant. Lies of
omission are incredibly evil. For example, Clinton ordered air assults on
Iraq for what he called Iraq's non-compliance with the UN inspection team.
It is true that Iraq was not in full compliance. However, Iraq's
compliance was greater than 98%. This fact was omitted in all government
discussion of the issue. I can't imagine a teacher flunking me if I scored
98% on a test. Public knowledge of the degree to which Iraq complied might
have created a barrier to military action.
Think about other lies involving: Babies being removed from incubators,
Contras improving their human rights records, the missile gap, the window
of vulnerability, the training of Cuban ex-patriot militias on U.S. soil,
CIA & FBI activities against other countries and against our own
law-abiding citizens, CIA complicity in drug running.... Lies which were
not always created to fight an existing war, but to be used as a pretext
for war or an increased miliary budget.
Clinton is a liar. A no-good scoundrel. Do I complain because he lied
about Monica Lewinski? Get serious. You'd like to prune the branch when
the whole tree is rotting to the core.
Robert Hoffmann 817 S. Adams
Alt-Escape Adventures Moscow, ID 83843 USA Phone: (208) 883-0642
Fax: (208) 883-8545
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