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World Peace Meditation

Vision 2020 members,
Please read the following letter and if you feel like participating in the
World Peace Meditation
please do in the privacy of your home, or with a group of like minded
people.  The meditation
 at the end of this letter is a guide and you are encouraged to use your
favorite sayings, writings
 or scripture to call for peace in your own personal way
Blessed Holiday Wished for you all and your families,
James Johnson

Dear Citizen of the World,
As a way of individual participation in the International Year of
Peace, a non-denominational, non-political hour of worldwide
prayer/meditation, thought/contemplation has been scheduled for New Year's Eve
of this year.  The idea of this peace vigil is to have as many people as
possible, all over the world, pray, think about or meditate on world peace AT
THE SAME TIME, and for this reason the vigil is to be held from 12:00 noon
Greenwich Mean Time to 1:00pm on December 31, 1986.  Here in Virginia Beach
that is 7:00am to 8:00am.

This hour of peace is not "sponsored" by any one individual or group of
people.  The idea came to two concerned citizens and has spread around the
globe.  People from all walks of life, from numerous countries around the
world and from all religious persuasions have agreed that this coming together
in a unified global prayer will have a positive effect on the world situation.
It is truly the movement of the divinity within us all, for indeed the time
has come for us to lay aside our prejudices and join together as co-members of
this planet to reaffirm our unity.  This hour is one in which the tide of
human events can be changed, and a gigantic step made towards lasting peace.

Millions of other concerned world citizens have agreed to unite in this
sincere effort for peace, each in his own way.  The goal is to have at least
500-million people simply consenting to peace and 50-million of those around
the face of the globe participating in this peace vigil.  The tremendous task
of communication can be accomplished in the months ahead if we each do our
part by asking all political and religious leaders, organizations and groups
to participate by urging their members, and all citizens of the world, to
dedicate this hour to the upliftment of the world.  By each one choosing to
take a little responsibility and further spread the word of this event, all
human beings on this planet can share in this vigil which is like no other in
history:  TOGETHER, for one hour, 50-million people, young and old of all
nations focusing on a world united in a common bond of brotherhood.  It will
be ongoing and sustained as the citizens of the world keep the vigil for one
hour on the last day of each month thereafter.

All of us, everywhere, want to do our individual part to bring about world
peace.  This is our opportunity.  As beings living together on this planet,
our thoughts and actions do affect each other.  Let us now all join together,
AT THE SAME TIME, and do this very simple thing.

Please do everything within your power to help communicate this message.
TOGETHER, we can take our stand as the citizenry of this planet and redirect
the course of human events. 

World Healing Meditation*
In the beginning
In the beginning God.
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
And God said Let there be light: and there was light.

Now is the time of the new beginning
I am a co-creator with God, and it is a new Heaven that comes,
as the Good Will of God is expressed on Earth through me.
It is the Kingdom of Light, Love, Peace and Understanding.
And I am doing my part to reveal its reality.

I begin with me.
I am a living soul and the spirit of God dwells in me, as me.
I and the Father are one, and all that the Father has is mine.
In truth, I am One with God.

What is true of me is true of everyone, for God is all and all is God.
I see only the Spirit of God in every soul.
And to every man, woman and child on Earth I say: I love you, for you are me.
You are my Holy Self.

I now open my heart, and let the pure essence of Unconditional Love pour out.
I see it as a Golden Light radiating from the center of my being, 
and I feel its Divine Vibration in and through me, above and below me.

I am one with the Light.
I am filled with the Light.
I am illumined by the Light.
I am the Light of the world.

With purpose of mind, I send forth the Light.
I let the radiance go before me to join the other Lights.
I know this is happening all over the world at this moment.
I see the merging Lights.
There is now one Light.  We are the Light of the world.

The one Light of Love, Peace and Understanding is moving.
It flows across the face of the Earth, touching and illuminating every soul in
the shadow of the illusion.
And where there was darkness, there is now the Light of Reality.

And the Radiance grows, permeating, saturating every form of life.
There is only the vibration of one Perfect Light now.
All the kingdoms of the Earth respond, and the Planet is alive with Light and

There is total Oneness, and in this Oneness we speak the Word.
Let the sense of separation be dissolved.
Let mankind be returned to Godkind.

Let peace come forth in every mind.
Let Love flow forth from every heart.
Let forgiveness reign in every soul.
Let understanding be the common bond.

And now from the Light of the world, the One Presence and Power of the
Universe responds.
The Activity of God is healing and harmonizing Planet Earth.
Omnipotence is made manifest.

I am seeing the salvation of the planet before my very eyes, as all false
beliefs and error patterns are dissolved.
The sense of separation is no more; the healing has taken place, 
and the world is restored to sanity.

This is the beginning of Peace on Earth and Good Will toward all,
as Love flows forth from every heart, forgiveness reigns in every soul,
and all hearts and minds are one in perfect understanding.

*From the Book "The Planetary Commission" by John Randolph Price,
Published by The Quartus Foundation, P.O. Box 26683, Austin, TX  78755

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