Re: vision2020-digest Digest V98 #238
The bottom line is did Clinton commit a "high crime or misdomeanor." You
say he did and should be removed, many of us would not agree and believe
that Clinton's really bad behavior is not necessarily impeachable behavior.
Frankly, I'd rather my husband tell me the truth and lie to the judge if
it's an issue of sexual infidelity. I realize my druthers aren't
relevant here, but even so.....
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: vision2020-digest Digest V98 #238
> Date: Monday, December 21, 1998 1:42 PM
> >Before you impeach the splinter review the forest. Menfolk (not to the
> >total exclusion of womenfolk) have an honesty problem when it comes to
> >lust, trust (and thrust).
> Firstly, it's too late . . . Secondly, I'm only guessing here, but I
> pedophiles also lie when confronted with their actions. Does that excuse
> lie?
> People are able to choose their actions. People are able to rise above
> circumstances. Whether Clinton is predisposed to lie about his
> is irrelevant when he takes an oath to tell the truth in court. That is
> bottom line.
> >It is probably a guilt-driven condition but whatever, President Clinton
> not
> >even a bit more or less guilty than the rest of us.
> With ALL due respect - you are absolutely wrong. Millions of Americans
> take their marital vows seriously. Millions of Americans are likely NOT
> guilty of infidelity. Clinton is a hell of a lot more guilty than I am.
> sad that many of our representatives are having to come out of the
> closet," but the argument that "everyone does it" is a Democrat's
> Amazingly, it is incredibly false.
> I think it was Justice Holmes who said something like: What is done is
> an indication of what ought to be done. But what ought to be done is
never a
> subject of what is done.
> Many of us know what ought to be done. Clinton evidently doesn't have a
> >Your leaders are very much out-of-touch with European sentiment and
> >will be consequences.
> Wasn't that the whole goal of the revolution? God Bless America. And
> consequences? Are the French going to invade? Oh dear!
> >You only have to look at the singular lack of solidarity over Iraq.
> Let's see, wasn't it mostly you European-types who let Adolph run
> over parts of Europe during the late 30's?
> E. O'Daniel
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