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Collective unconscious in the 105th Congress

Dear Visionaries,

	I am impressed by the fact the behavior of the 105th Congress seems to 
confirm Jung's theory of a collective unconscious.

It would appear that there exists in U.S. Congress in 1998 two distinct 
collective unconsciousness. All the members of the Congress say they are 
voting their conscience and presumably their unconsciousness as well. It is 
remarkable that those voting their (un)conscious and who are against 
impeachment are Democrats. Those voting their (un)conscious and who are for 
impeachment are Republican. It seems clear that party affiliation 
represents not only different policy prescriptions, but also a common, 
distinct, and significantly different collective unconscious.

Just for fun, let's suppose for a moment that these same members of 
Congress participate in an exercise in which they were presented the facts 
of a case similar to those in the Clinton/Jones/Lewinski situation. Further 
suppose that these members of Congress were not told which party the 
president was a member. I wonder if the collective unconscious observe 
above would result in a similar outcome?

Steve Cooke

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